Entries by admin

Home Dojo – A Question of Respect and Loyalty

One very important issue discussed amongst the club membership at last Tuesday evening’s AGM was ‘home dojo’ etiquette. As Maruyama Sensei says, “Aikido is not a sport, it’s a martial art; and the dojo is not a gymnasium, it is a special place.” Our view is that our dojo and every dojo whether it is […]

The True Value of Aikido Etiquette

As training gets under way for another year, it is a timely reminder that the reason we train is to develop ourselves so we can better meet the challenges of life outside the dojo. Although learning technique is fundamental and a lot of fun, one very important aspect of Aikido training can often be overshadowed. […]

Happy New Year! … from Griffith Aikido in Brisbane

Welcome to Griffith Aikido in Brisbane 2014! As all of our super keen members know, training has already started. I hear the aiki-addicts had their noses pressed to the glass doors waiting for both dojos to open last week. Another year of aikido training means another year of fun and another year of learning how […]

Griffith Aikido Brisbane

Start your Aikido journey today. Enrol now at Griffith Aikido Brisbane. Call Narelle (Nathan dojo) on 0474 218 203 or Michelle (Everton Hills) on 0448 644 436

Brisbane Aikido – The Art of Peace

“The key to good technique is to keep your hands, feet and hips straight and centered. If you are centered, you can move freely. The physical center is your belly; if your mind is set there as well, you are assured of victory in any endeavour.” Morihei Ueshiba Had a tough day at work? Got […]

Griffith Aikido Brisbane – Dojo Closures This Week

Everton Hills dojo Monday 12th August – no adult or kids class because PCYC is closed Saturday 17th August – no adult or kids classes because instructors will be attending the Will Reed seminar. Nathan dojo Thursday 15th August – no adult classes because instructors will be attending the Will Reed seminar. Saturday 17th August […]

Learn Aikido – Why Etiquette is Important

When you learn Aikido, you realise that like most other traditional martial arts, practice begins and ends with courtesy. Etiquette is a standardised set of behaviours that ensures that everyone acts in a uniform and predictable manner whilst in the dojo. So why is it necessary? Firstly, it is the way that an otherwise diverse […]

5 Benefits of Aikido … from our members

Benefits of Aikido … “If I can relax doing Aikido, I can relax doing pretty much anything” “I often start with a headache after a busy day and after class I feel fantastic” “Learning Aikido is helping me to feel more peaceful inside and not fly off the handle” “I have more confidence now; those […]

Griffith Aikido Brisbane Shukan News

Class numbers are rising Aikido Brisbane fun and fitnessIt is really heartening to see class numbers rising at Griffith Aikido Brisbane. The number of people training at Nathan dojo is steadily rising and dojo is getting back to its old vibrant self. It’s also good to see a few more people training regularly at Everton […]