The Everton round up!

Aikikids-at-Everton-Hills-dojo1-300x198On Saturday the 15th we had Sensei Thom Hansen, (one of the most senior instructors in Brisbane aikido) visit and he delivered another great class, which included Tenchi Nage , and also some back to basics on “Moon Shadow”. We had a great turn out and there was plenty of opportunities to train with different people, was also great to see a few others from Nathan come along Narelle, Michael, Lachlan, and Gary (did we see Gary & Thom negotiating for Thom to visit Nathan dojo perhaps at some future date?) Going forward we intend to get Sensei Thom at Everton once a month, so stay tuned for the next date.

Also on Saturday, the PCYC had its birthday celebrations and open day so we did a public demonstration, so a big thanks Sensei David Shepherd who organised this, ran & spoke at the demo. Also a big thanks to all who came along, and also for your patience as we had a surprise last minute rescheduling.

Monday the 10th, was also David’s first class as an instructor. We have also had in recent weeks with Sensei Rod’s extended holiday, Sensei Michelle Roderick & Sensei Sylvie Lacherez out in front of the class, leading it for the first time. Well done guys and I know Rod is proud of each of you making this next step in your Aiki journey.


Shukan News 23rd July 2012


When: Tuesday, 7th August 2012
Where: Nathan Dojo
Time: 6.45pm
Please wear comfortable clothes.


When: Saturday, 25th August 2012
Where: Nathan Dojo
Time: 10.30am
Please bring a plate to share.

1. Mansfield/Mt Gravatt Dojo – Wednesday class cancellation

Unfortunately circumstances beyond our control have resulted in the inability to hold the Mansfield/Mt Gravatt classes this week, 25th July 2012. All kids and adult classes will return to normal again from 1st August 2012. We will advise again via newsletter and on our website when we will be holding the Ladies Only class. We apologise for the short notice and any inconvenience caused.

2. New Aikikids website

We are excited to announce that the official launch of the new Aikikids website is almost ready! You can preview everything we have done thus far as follows:

Its all coming together very nicely however we would love to have any contributions of photos, videos or testimonials if you would like to send them our way.

If you contact Nat on with testimonials. Photos and videos can be uploaded via our Facebook Gallery page and if you have a YouTube channel already, you can forward videos to us that way. Alternately, if you have photos/videos sized under 50Mb, you can use a free service called YouSendIt – (you have to sign up but it costs nothing).

Just to assure everyone that the privacy and online protection of our Aikikids is of utmost importance. For this reason we have taken every precaution to ensure that children remain as anonymous as possible including regular monitoring of posts, photos and video uploads, requesting that if children are referred to, that only their first name is used, and disabling of the ability to ‘tag’ photos on our Facebook sites. The taking of photographs and videos will now be a regular occurrence in every dojo so that we can keep updating all of our internet sites. If at any time you don’t want your child involved, please let us know immediately.

We invite you to become an active part of our online community by ‘liking’ photos and videos, sharing them and links with your friends and family, and of course contributing electronic content as above-mentioned. Kids should get great enjoyment from seeing themselves online, and its a great thing they can share with their friends!

Also, an Aikikid-only mailing list has now been created and a newsletter will be sent out at minimum monthly, dedicated to Aikikids, their achievements, latest dojo news, upcoming events and the like.

Your feedback and suggestions are very welcome as we want these sites to be a place of interest and resource for you all. We look forward to bringing you heaps more Aikikid action from our dojos in the near future!

3. Thought of the Week

“The are only two ways to handle tense situations: you can change them, or you can change the way you look at them. There is enlightenment to be had in changing the way you look at things.” … from The Little Book Of Calm” by Paul Wilson (1996)

Shukan News 16th July 2012

1. Mansfield/Mt Gravatt Ladies only class

Mansfield/Mt Gravatt dojo will be running a ‘ladies only’ class on Wednesday 25th July. If you have never tried Aikido and feel uncertain or lack the confidence to start out in a mixed class then this class may be for you. As with other martial arts Aikido does require physical contact so this can be somewhat daunting for females, especially as martial arts tend to be male dominated.

Aikido is for everyone, male and female, young or old and it’s ideal for females as it is an art that relies on calm mind and relaxed body, rather than size and physical strength. We have many females train with us at Griffith Aikido of various ages and ranks, so for an effective self defence come along and give Aikido a try.

There will be a female instructor for the class too. Adults class time: 6.30 – 8.30pm

Link as follows for directions:

2. Gozo Shioda Sensei Article

It Had to Be Felt #10: Shioda Gozo: “A Wonderful Feeling”

Here is a very interesting read on Aikiweb of two first hand experiences with Gozo Shioda Sensei, the founder of Aikido Yoshinkan and student of Morihei Ueshiba.

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Shukan News 9th July 2012

Monday 9th July 2012


1. Sneak Peek at the Thursday’s training

In the 11 June edition of Shukan news we featured some spectacular vision of
Aikido master Christian Tissier. Mike Nash will be exploring some aspects of
Tissier’s style at this Thursday night’s training. Please review this video in
preparation for Thursday’s class. Mike will go into the finer points and explore
this version and our own version of Kokyu Nage. Yes, it’s a first homework….
for Aikido

Also for those who attended training last thursday it appears that Steve
Mitchell Sensei may have been channelling Tissier. Look about half way through
the below vision of Tissier where he demonstrates some of the shoman techniques

2. Mansfield/Mt Gravatt Dojo

A reminder to all that both kids and adult classes recommence this Wednesday,
11th July. We look forward to seeing our regulars and anyone new who wants to
come and join us!

3. Thought for the week

“Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them
all yourself” Eleanor Roosevelt

Shukan News 2nd July 2012

1. Mansfield/Mt Gravatt dojo cancelled class

We apologise again for the sudden cancellation of the Mansfield/Mt Gravatt kids and new womens class last Wednesday. Circumstances beyond our control, and of which we were only informed upon getting to the dojo just prior to class caused the inability for classes to be held. Energex were putting in a new transformer on Broadwater Road resulting in loss of power to to all primary school buildings including the daycare and Student Centre at Brisbane Adventist College. The college have apologised for miscommunication which resulted in us not being advised of this work and the subsequent loss of use of the Student Centre.

Classes at Mansfield/Mt Gravatt are not on this week either, but will resume as normal with both kids and adults classes on 11th July 2012.

2. Next Beginners Course

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Shukan News 27th June

Beginners course starts Tuesday 3rd July – all welcome!

1. CANCELLED Ladies night tonight at Mansfield-Mt Gravatt dojo

The ladies only class to be held tonight (6.30 pm Wednesday 27 th June) at Mansfield – Mt Gravatt dojo has been cancelled due to a power outage at the Adventist College.  We apologise for the inconvenience.  Classes will resume as normal not next week, but the week after (when school returns).

2. On leadership and loyalty

In our beloved art of Aikido, there is so much written and said about the loyalty of a student to both the instructor and the dojo.  In fact, the 7th element of the Samurai code of Bushido is about loyalty.  That student loyalty is absolutely critical to the proper functioning of a dojo is not in doubt.

What about the loyalty of an instructor to his students and dojo?  Isn’t that equally important?  Is an instructor not also a student?   Doesn’t the 7th and overriding element of Bushido still apply?

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Shukan News 18th June

1. Mansfield-Mt Gravatt dojo wants you

Steve-MitchellIf you didn’t know, Mansfield-Mt Gravatt Dojo is now running children’s and adult’s classes on Wednesdays. Two kids classes run from 4pm to 6pm. Adult classes run from 6.30pm to 8.30pm. Children’s classes have been steadily building since beginning in April, with a very handy word-of-mouth advertising having great effect. Both classes currently have about 10 kids each, and will continue to grow.

Adults classes started this month. We haven’t quite had a chance to do traditional advertising so classes are still small. The members who have come have received some very individual and focussed training. If you’ve thought about trying training on Wednesday night, or you have to miss Tuesday or Thursday night training for some reason, or you just want to check out the club’s new dojo, you are absolutely welcome. It’s not hard to find.

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Shukan News 11th June

Looking for martial arts Brisbane? Learn aikido at Griffith Aikido

If you have any contribution for the Shukan News (story, photograph, video), please send it via email to

1. First class at Mansfield – A Student’s Perspective

It was great to have the adult classes finally kick off at Mansfield/Mt Gravatt dojo.   Classes were a little small – 2 newbies but made for great sensei to student ratio!  A huge thank you to Mike Nash for assisting our kids classes guru Steve, who headed up the class.  It was interesting from a newbie point of view as both guys have their slightly different approach to things which meant getting taught the same techniques, with slightly different twists on it.

That’s the reality I guess, every person will always teach something a little differently.  It showed me that getting too caught up in the technique itself, which I tend to focus on, isn’t as important as getting the underlying ‘feel’ of the movement itself.  My beginner’s course was a quest for getting each technique perfect, instead of being able to feel each movement and in turn get it right by default.  Now in attending regular classes, its no longer about perfection for me.

With a fair bit of encouragement from Steve, I took my focus off getting the technique perfect from the start and instead felt for elements like balance and moving of my ‘centre’.  I got a lot from the class and can’t wait until next Wednesday – thanks again Steve and Mike!

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Shukan News 4th June

Beginners course starts Tuesday 5th June – all welcome!

If you have any contribution for the Shukan News (story, photograph, video), please send it via email to

1. Adults Classes Now At Mansfield-Mt Gravatt Dojo from Wednesday 6th June

Brisbane-aikido-mansfield-dojoWe have now locked down class times for the kids classes, which allows us to lock down a time for the adults class (see below). The mats the club ordered to allow the Mansfield-Mt Gravatt Dojo to begin, have now arrived. Nathan now has brand new 14 metre mats and the current front mats at Nathan have now gone to Mansfield-Mt Gravatt Dojo. The 10 metre mats which have been on loan have been returned to Nathan, so Nathan now has all its mat space back. Many thanks go to Nathan Dojo for going without the back mats for several weeks to allow Mansfield-Mt Gravatt Dojo to start.

Adults classes start at Mansfield-Mt Gravatt Dojo from this Wednesday 6th June. Time will be 6.30pm – 8.30pm. Classes are included in the monthly fees currently paid at Nathan. That is, it will not cost you any extra to train at Mansfield Mt-Gravatt dojo if you pay monthly mat fees.

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Shukan News 28th May

Beginners course starts Tuesday 5th June – all welcome!

If you have any contribution for the Shukan News (story, photograph, video), please send it via email to

1. Club grading last Saturday

It was a great day. Eleven of our members graded on Saturday. They all showed once again that there is no substitute for hard work and repetitive practice.

aikido brisbane6th Kyu

Jessica, Warwick and Catherine were wonderful. They all have a very good grasp of basic technique and showed some good footwork. There were some good early signs of Aikido understanding.

Even though Catherine was obviously very nervous before she started, she did a great job. One of the fundamentals of Aikido is relaxation. It also makes future gradings far less stressful.

Rod4th Kyu

Two of our more mature-age students, Rod and Peter have been training regularly since the day they started. Both have a wonderful attitude towards their training. Decades of upper body strength are fast disappearing from both of them. Week by week, month by month they become softer and more flowing with their technique. This was evident on Saturday as they moved much more freely. Both did a very good job with their demonstration techniques and , like most older blokes, were never in a rush.

Brenden3rd Kyu

With the mat to himself, Brenden was the centre of attention for his green belt demonstration. He was calm, cool and relaxed and his technique was soft and flowing. He didn’t rush and was in control from start to finish.

Brenden travels from Gatton every Saturday to train with us. he has done a remarkable job. Well done Brenden, welcome to the senior grades.

Bartek1st Kyu

The future of our cub is looking as though it is in capable hands if these five first class hakama gradings are any indication. For Bartek, Rick, Matthew, Danny and Kylie, this was the penultimate demonstration ahead of their Shodan grading in a year’s time.

No matter how much practice is done, this grading is still a challenge on the day. Like all senior gradings, it is less of an instructor-set test and more a test of the self. These five club stalwarts all worked very hard to get here, and all are great examples for those coming behind them.

Matthew21Every one of these dedicated students has had their own personal challenge to deal with. To their credit they all met their individual challenges and passed their own tests with flying colours. This was exemplified by the look of complete and utter relief on Kylie’s face as she knelt to bow out of her weapons kata.

For the onlookers it was a great spectacle to watch as they calmly guided their ukes around the mat. It just never ceases to be entertaining. It is also wonderful for instructors to see students emerge into the realm of calm effortless and confident Aikido.

It is just as gratifying to see the same students rolling effortlessly as Ukes, knowing they have skills for life that will stand them in good stead outside the dojo.

Congratulations to our five new 1st kyu students who will go on to meet their next challenge on Tuesday night of standing, moving and rolling in their new hakama. I wouldn’t miss that test.

Rick3   Kylie2-300x285   Matthew   Rick4   Danny   Danny3

Thank you to all the other seniors who have helped out in recent weeks as assistant instructors and ukes as all 11 students prepared for their grading.

2. Modern Aikido: Moves and Meaning

Here is an interesting article called ‘Modern Aikido: Moves and Meaning’, authored by Tom Koch and published on the Black Belt Magazine website.

Ueshiba_aikido2“Forget the politics that have divided the founder Morihei Ueshiba’s aikido into a half-dozen communities, all calling themselves aikido. There are, in truth, only two aikido camps today: one mostly hidden, some say forgotten, and the other ascendant.

The first is a fearsome martial art cobbled together from older Japanese styles, resulting in a pattern of off-balancing entries, devastating throws and effective joint locks. That was the system Morihei Ueshiba, also known as O-Sensei, used in 70 matches when adepts from other styles came by to ask for a “lesson.”

The second is a noncombat-related practice in which aikido moves are taught to advance Morihei Ueshiba’s social philosophy, one in which effectiveness is at best secondary to goals of personal balance and communal harmony. That is hombu aikido today, the discipline that’s advanced by the founder’s grandson, Moriteru Ueshiba, the current head, or doshu, of the style. That doesn’t mean the aikido moves he teaches are ineffective, only that martial excellence is, for him, a secondary concern.” …

Click here to read the entire article on the Black Belt magazine website.

3. Thought for the week

“If you can dream it, you can do it.” Walt Disney